How to Throw a Proper Gender Reveal Party in Toronto

Gender reveal parties are not as hard as some people may make out to be. They don't have to cause a 400 acre forest fire, nor do you have to blow up 2 cars just to say “it's a boy!!”. Gender reveals can be a fun family event that everyone can enjoy when done right. This article will tell you all that you should do and some stuff you shouldn't.

Planning and Organizing the Party

If you are in charge of organizing this party. Then you are probably not either of the parents. Hopefully you are a trusted friend or family member. Since it will be very difficult for you to organize and throw this party yourself, you're going to want to get help from a few other people (who are also trusted family and friends). Make sure they can keep the secret of the gender of the baby. 

Figuring Out The Gender of The Baby

This part is the most important, but should be the easy part. All you have to do is ask for the gender of the baby from the parents’ doctor and tell them what it's for. The doctor should give the information to you quite easily, since they would have no reason not to. Once you get the information, you have to keep it safe and a secret only a few people know. You can even throw the paper away after everyone who needs to know, knows. That way, there is no way that the information can leak and spoil the surprise for everyone who didn't know.

Organizing the Actual Party

Organizing a gender reveal party is the same as any other party. The only difference is that there is a secret that will be revealed later in the party. If you've organized any parties before, this shouldn't be much different.

Where The Party Will Happen

First things first, you need a location for the party. Lucky for you, Toronto Event Space Rentals is a great company that rents out venues to people like you. People who are looking to throw parties like this. They have a few amazing options for you to choose from for your events, and these spaces are much more affordable than some other spaces in toronto. While some of those spaces will cost you upwards of $400/hr, this company will only charge about $125/hr while being as high quality and as inviting as those more expensive spaces. To learn more about what exactly would suit your needs best, go to

Decorating the Party

The party decor can just revolve around the boy/girl theme. Where everything is blue or pink. There is nothing wrong with this theme, if you like it and the parents like it, there's no reason not to make that your primary theme. But there are many examples online on how to implement another theme into the party. Remember that the secondary theme will have to do with how you reveal the gender of the baby. The best secondary theme to pick would be a theme that the parents enjoy. For example; star wars/trek, any video games, a movie that they are fond of, etc etc. these kinds of themes are a great way to ensure people remember this party for a long time.

Food For The Party

The food would depend on how long the party is going to be. Usually, it is long enough to serve lunch or brunch before the gender reveal part of the party. But there should still be snacks that people can eat while they wait for the actual meal. The snacks you provide can be themed to the party, but it isn't necessary. But remember that if you do choose to theme the snacks with the theme of the party, people will remember and appreciate that. The snacks should be food that isn't too filling, but is still satisfying to eat. Because you still want people to have room for the actual meal you will provide for them.

The Revealing of The Gender

Now to get to the main part of the gender reveal party, there's a couple things to keep in mind while you think of ideas on how to reveal the gender. First, virality: if you want this party to go viral for whatever reason, you should know that you don't have to do anything too big for it. There's no reason to go get fireworks and set them off in the middle of a dry patch of land somewhere in California. All you have to do to go viral is to be creative. If people see that you have a creative idea that they like, they're going to want to share that video with others in their lives. But you should also remember that virality doesn't matter, if you are doing this party to go viral and you don't, that's okay, because virality is very short lived and unnecessary.

Second, comedy: remember that this is a party to reveal the gender of a baby that the baby itself will not remember, and might not even stick to once they're older and understand themselves better. It's just an excuse to get people together and have a fun time, which is never a bad thing. So, there's no point in taking this party too seriously. Reveal the gender by having someone pop out of a fake cake with a solid pink or blue bodysuit, or by having someone get a lightsaber that glows pink or blue when lit, or just the good old fashioned cake reveal. There are many ways you can reveal the gender of a baby without insulting people, or burning anything down. 


Gender reveal parties have had a bad rap over the past few years, with good reason. But the problem is people are just too reckless. If they realized that virality is nothing to worry about, and having fun should be the main priority of a party like this, then so much of the stuff that has happened wouldn’t have happened. To recap: get a good place to throw the party after figuring out the gender of the baby, the decor can have a specific theme to it that the parents approve, food that can (but don't need to) relate to the theme of the party, and last but not least, don't take the “gender reveal” part of the party too seriously, because no good comes out of doing that.


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